
Showing posts from April, 2017

Electric shocks wherever you go? Try these

Solving unintended static discharges is a tricky question. You can build up a respectable amount of charge on your body if one of the following applies to you: Either the flooring, your chair, clothes or shoes are made of non-conducting, synthetic fabrics You rub the said fabrics a lot by walk or moving You touch grounded surfaces rarely Your skin is poorly conductive (dry) The air is low in humidity (the last two can be exaggerated by HVAC operation) Here are some things to try: Replace clothes or shoes Ground yourself through your shoes (wires and aluminium foil come to mind) Make the flooring or furniture more conductive Moisturize your skin Increase air humidity Wear uncoated conductive accessories (like a cold necklace or bracelets) Wear uncoated conductive accessories having (lots of)  pointy ends - tips may or may not be needed, but they can be made safer by wrapping in small tubes, it's the sharp air contact that matters. ...

Funny BASH snippets

echo howdy /bin/echo howdy /bin/../bin/echo howdy /bin/echo* howdy cd /bin echo* howdy *echo howdy ec*ho howdy ech? howdy ??h? howdy ech[o] howdy cd /tmp ec${howdy}ho howdy echo$howdy howdy ec''ho howdy ec""ho howdy 'ec'ho howdy "ec"ho howdy 'echo' howdy "echo" howdy ech\o howdy ec``ho howdy ec$()ho howdy ec`true`ho howdy ec$(true)ho howdy $yay echo howdy `` echo howdy `true` echo howdy `echo echo` howdy :&echo howdy if echo howdy;then :;else echo howdy;fi ! echo howdy { echo howdy ;} (echo howdy) eval echo howdy xargs echo howdy < /dev/null sh -c 'echo howdy' bash -c 'echo howdy' ssh localhost 'echo howdy' cd /tmp printf "all:\n\techo howdy" > Makefile make cd /tmp echo echo howdy > bash chmod +x bash ./bash cd /tmp cp /bin/bash bash echo echo howdy > bash ./bash . ./bash bash bash PATH=. bash alias howdy='echo howdy...