Splitting this blog by categories?

I am considering a split in the long term if that would improve user experience. What I still need to figure out is what to do with multidisciplinary articles.


  1. IMHO tagging is the best solution to handle flexible categorization. By defining a(n extensible) list of major tags or keywords to each category and then using exactly one of them for each blog post - or sometimes more when a post cannot be classified under a specific topic - with additional, more specific tags, you can help both your readers and search engines (e.g. tags can be used as keywords). Nowadays tagging is a wide-spread categorization alternative, even in the 140 characters world of Twitter community (#hashtags). Some argue that simple categorization with pre-defined and well-defined disjunct categories is better, it depends on how much of flexibility you need.

  2. Thank you for your comment and good suggestion, my friend. I almost replied with a page-long response about issues regarding feed followers and advertising, but thankfully I've Searched-The-Fantastic-Web just in time! ;-)

    That is, if the following still works, I won't need anything else (other than cleaning up my tags a bit):

    Thanks again for your support!


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