Simple Pascal-triangle implementations
-- The first version can output a row of Pascal's triangle:
-- The second revision can output a certain number of rows of the triangle:
-- And the last monolith solves a very simple homework assignment:
import System.Environment(getArgs)
pas 0 = [1]
pas n | n>0 = let l = pas (n-1) in zipWith (+) (0:l) (l++[0])
main = do
[s] <- getArgs
print . pas $ read s
-- The second revision can output a certain number of rows of the triangle:
import System.Environment(getArgs)
pas = iterate nextline [1] where
nextline l = zipWith (+) (0:l) (l++[0])
main = do
[s] <- getArgs
putStr . unlines . map show $ take (read s+1) pas
-- And the last monolith solves a very simple homework assignment:
import Data.List(intersperse)
import System.Environment(getArgs)
pas 0 = [1]
pas n = let l = pas (n-1) in zipWith (+) (0:l) (l++[0])
strPas s = do
let n = read s
if n<0 || n>30 then
fail "Pascal out of range"
else do
let list = concat . intersperse " " . map show
return (n, list $ pas n)
main = do
l <- getArgs
case l of
[s] -> do (_,o) <- strPas s
putStrLn o
[] -> do s <- readFile "input.txt"
(n,o) <- strPas s
writeFile "output.txt" $ unlines [show n, o]
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