Javascript Logo interpreter

Online JavaScript Logo interpreter

some very beautiful and terse Logo examples

The following is one of my favorites from there.

Hypercube, by Frank Caggiano, U.S.:
repeat 8 [repeat 4 [rt 90 fd 100] bk 100 lt 45]

edit: You can also find two simple examples of mine at my repository.


  1. You can also find two simple examples of mine:

  2. Hey, thanks! I've copy&pasted the Hypercube and it ran fine. Though, it was mere luck that it perfectly fit on the screen. If I shrank the constant, the resulting figure was tiny and if I enlarged it, the drawing wrapped around. I guess you could pre-run the script to arrive at approximate extents for the animation.

  3. Try
    Because this is 3D Logo, so the logo program has some 3D commands that are not standard Logo.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. Could you give a hint as to which interpreter is needed to execute that script?


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