Fractals of mine

Although, I have uploaded these previously, here's a version which you can copy & paste into the online interpreter:
to flake :s :n ifelse :n=0 [fd :s] [flake :s/3 :n-1 rt 60 flake :s/3 :n-1 lt 120 flake :s/3 :n-1 rt 60 flake :s/3 :n-1] end to koch :s :n pu fd :s*57/100 pd rt 210 repeat 3 [flake :s :n lt 120] lt 210 pu bk :s*57/100 end to put1 :s :n :k setpencolor :n+2 koch :s :n pu fd :s*12/10 pd rt 360/:k if :n>0 [put1 :s :n-1:k] end to put :s :n pu lt 135 fd :s rt 135 put1 :s :n-1 :n end cs put 100 5


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