OCaml vs. Haskell
Do you prefer laziness or ease of compiler implementation and proof of correctness? Haskell feels very comfortable to me, and I can write some beautiful code in it. Laziness could introduce some complexity to reason about temporary memory usage. It's the same reason I like Erlang: quick, dirty, but also elegantly minimalistic and predictable. I haven't tackled OCaml (yet ;->). Do you think it worths it?
OCaml vs. Haskell discussion at Y-Combinator
Haskell performance is on par with OCaml (shootout.alioth.debian.org) do note, that the Haskell compiler and solutions have evolved since then
OCaml vs. Haskell discussion at Y-Combinator
Haskell performance is on par with OCaml (shootout.alioth.debian.org) do note, that the Haskell compiler and solutions have evolved since then
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