When planning my day, I usually do a sanity check using some of the recent forecasts. It usually is worth it to shuffle around your programs to favor good weather. When in doubt, I usually refer to the results of multiple simulation. meteoview.meteodat.cz/hu96/bin (daily?), /1h, +>24h met.hu/idojaras/elorejelzes/modellek/inca-hu (hourly), 1km, +6h, /1h met.hu/idojaras/elorejelzes/modellek/AROME (00Z, 06Z,12Z,18Z), 2.5km met.hu/idojaras/elorejelzes/modellek/ECMWF (00Z, 12Z), 16km, /3h met.hu/idojaras/elorejelzes/modellek/WRF (00Z, 06Z,12Z,18Z), 2.6km nimbus.elte.hu/kutatas/sat/dbcras-en.html (00Z, 12Z), 16km (NDBCRAS), /3h meteor38.elte.hu/wrf/tmp/LHBP meteor38.elte.hu/wrf/maps sat24.com/hu/forecastimages/europa/forecastprecip /3h tornado.metnet.hu/wrf (06Z) map.metnet.hu http://2.eumet.hu/0-gfs/gfs.php?domain=mo&terkepszam=18&terkeptipus=04 https://www.yr.no/ Do note that some of these pages are not public while o...